Hello all, welcome to my little photography blog! I'm learning my way around but hope to show a lot of my prints. Here are just a few pieces of my work for now, taken from around Australia. I'd love to hear all your comments.

More bragging rights!

Just a little bit happy!!!!!!

Hi Tina,

I am delighted to let you know that your submitted photo has been selected for inclusion in the newly released tenth edition of our Schmap Melbourne Guide:

Melbourne Zoo
www.schmap.com/melbourne/activities_innerwest /p=75544/i=7...

If you use an iPhone or iPod touch, then this same link will take you directly to your photo in the iPhone version of our guide. On a desktop computer, you can still see exactly how your photo is displayed and credited in the iPhone version of our guide at:

Melbourne Zoo
www.schmap.com/?m=iphone#uid=melbourne&si d=activities...

Thanks so much for letting us include your photo - please enjoy the guide!


Hey there everyone, just a little bit of excitement in my life lately!!!!
To quote anyone who has ever stood up on the podium at the Oscars Awards (Gwyneth Paltrow comes to mind!) I'd like to thank my family, especially my mum and dad, without them I wouldn't be here (Ah, der!) and my friends who really encouraged me (ok, threatened me with death by tickling) enough to make me think that my stuff is "Meh, alright I guess!" and my hairdresser (costs heaps to look like I do!), and the creators of Nikon, and God, and oh, last of all I'd like to thank Marissa - yes YOU, Mrs Martin!!!, for creating this wonderful Blog for me because she hated seeing me put my skills to waste by just keeping them to myself and insisting that I share them with the world! Thanks Marissa. I love you dearly. Oops, windup music now and the tears, oh darn it, no water-proof mascara, no hankie. *Is dragged off stage, blowing kisses to all and sundry!*

A wee bit of craziness

Hey there! It's been a while, I know! First of all, let me say a very Happy New Year to my fellow followers!!! I hope you all had a wonderful safe, silly season! I know mine was just wonderful.
I don't know what's gotten into me lately - certainly not too much creativity that's for sure. For a while there I just could not seem to get motivated to pick up my camera. I was getting worried! Going from not walking out the door with it to looking at it and thinking, "Meh, another time." Well, that other time took a couple of months believe me! Now, it's not so much the taking of shots that I am enjoying, it's the post-processing that has me. I think that's why I started with these three as my return work. I hope you like them as much as I had fun doing them. And I can assure you, this won't be the last you've seen of me!